"Behold I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly" John" 10:10b
Each day at our pregnancy resource center, pro-abundant life people like you provide free
Pregnancy tests,
Accurate information on pregnancy options
and the Gospel,
which helps women experiencing unplanned pregnancy choose life over abortion.
Every year in New York, well-funded abortion clinics lure women grappling with the difficult decisions of what to do about unplanned pregnancies into their doors, resulting in unimaginable numbers of children perishing in their mother's wombs due to elective abortion. These abortion clinics promoteabortion as women's "reproductive health', and the only sane solution for an unplanned pregnancy. However, God always sends light into dark places to show people a better way. New Beginnings Center of Hope is the only pregnancy resource center in the heart of Queens that provides free onsite ultrasound services along with a variety of essential services that assist women make life affirming choices for themselves and their unborn children during pregnancy and two years after.
Our Center provide pregnancy decision guidance and pregnancy decision follow-up to the highly diverse underserved communities of Queens and, Brooklyn. These services, along with referrals for gold standard medical care with OB/GYN's that share our "Pro Abundant Life" view of unplanned pregnancy, ensure that women who come to our pregnancy resource center have a sense that they are not alone in dealing with the various issues surrounding their unplanned pregnancies. This level of caring support helps women see that they do not have to fear choosing life over abortion for the children they co-created.
Why are our services needed in a city full of social service agencies? N.Y.S. Vital Statistics reveal that over 1.4 million abortions have occurred in New York in the past ten years. Your generosity can reduce this trending horrific loss of life! When you choose to invest in the work of our Center, you become the vehicle through which God sends His light God into our dark city.
Today we are inviting you to give your best year-end gift . You can increase your impact by becoming one of our exclusive "HOPE MVP's". A monthly partner directly involved in saving the lives of not only the unborn children of our city but the lives of their parents as well. Will you join us in our endeavor to save lives and souls?
Become a HOPE MVP today . Your generosity will save and improve lives. You can start by completing the form above and clicking the "Donate" button above.